

Conduct business with integrity & fairness, Focus on our customer’s needs, provide quality products & services; maintain safe & healthy working environments.

The Creativity to drive improvement whilst Compliant in all our actions, We are adaptable and agile in changing circumstances, We bring a positive outlook and creative ideas to generate value and drive continuous improvement in our performance, However, we will rigorously follow rules and procedures where needed to bring structure and maintain control, believes that living by strong values is the key to good business. That’s why these core values, along with a rigorous code of conduct, are at the heart of every decision the company makes.


To provide our customers with valued construction solutions using our expertise in the design, and manufacture of products, airing locally relevant information and entertainment to listeners, creating a forum through which every voice can be heard. Our station offers instruction and experience in radio production and broadcasting skills to members of all ages.

To become the world’s most preferred ‘one-stop supplier’ of multi products and multi services by setting and implementing the highest standards of customer satisfaction on a global scale.